Sunday, March 29, 2009

Live from Prague

Its been a week now, and I can prematurely say I might fall in love with this city.  Its beautiful, has history, is rapidly modernizing and relatively small so its easy to get around.  Basically all the ingredients for an outstanding city.  I haven't had a camera since I moved to France, so I've basically been bumming pictures from friends.  So I really really really really need to get one soonest...yeah I need to get a camera!  Highlights from the past week, in words, since I do not have pictures yet:

I can count the number of black folk I've seen...not more than ten. Lol.  So I pretty much get stared at all the time, getting quite used to it.  

The other day I was taking a passport picture in the photo booth in the metro, then these two dogs came up to me, sniffed me and kept going.  I come out the booth, and I see their owner, this young homeless looking girl pulling up her jeans, right there in the corner.  OkKKk? 
Whats going on here, I'm thinking?  I quickly look away just incase she's crazy and doesn't like ppl invading her privacy, you know, while she's dressing up in public (ppl can be strange like that, lol). She walks away, and I'm still there waiting for my photos to print.  And what do I see?  On the floor, a puddle of pee!!!  She had just done no.1 right there on the floor, in the metro, in the full glare of everyone.  WTF.

I went to a vegetarian restaurant with two new friends, and it was great! I wasn't impressed when they said we were going there cos I was mighty hungryyy and I didn't think a vegetarian meal would do my hunger justice.   But two hours later I was a convert. That's right.  Now I know I probably won't become a card-carrying member of the vegetarian movement.  But I def started thinking of eating more organic.  It was good tasty food (and the portions were healthy too), but I didn't get that tired, sleepy feeling you get after eating a lot of food.  It was amazing.  The restaurant is called Clear Head (Czech translation) and I definitely had a full stomach, and a clear head afterwards.  I had a cheddar quesadilla that was just amazingly tasty, will be going back there for more more more.

On the same day that we went to this restaurant, there was the Prague marathon.  We watched a few of the runners and I got inspired.  I WILL run a marathon sometime in my life. 

A new friend who's french took me to a french cafe here, and we had some cakes.  I wanted to try this one that I thought was red velvet.  The cafe owner only got a chance to explain that it wasn't after I had ordered.  I tried it anyway and didn't particularly like it.  And now, I'm not an alcoholic but she came around to ask how we were doing and I told her I didn't really like it.  and she goes "Yeah, it has rum in it so if you like rum...". Now tell me why I liked this cake better after hearing it had rum in it.  Haha.

That's it for now folks.  By the way, I craving for some cool naija friends in these parts...they have to be here somewhere.

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