We got a week-long break last week, and I went on an impromptu trip to the South of France.
Actually, the south-west so it wasn't Nice or Cannes, etc. But it was still blissful. Biarritz and St Jean de Luz in France and San Sebastian in Spain...all places you probably never heard of :).
I loved it. Highlights of the trip:
Getting stared at by everyone in Biarritz - they probably were wondering what the hell a black girl was doing strolling around like she owned the damn place, or that I was some celebrity person. I don't know, but it's a bit much. I mean, really, sometimes I feel like some kind of 'alien-being' when there are millions of people who look like me on this planet...surely folks must be aware of this.
Being propositioned in Spain - this old man started to follow me when I got to Spain, and he proceeded to talk to me in spanish...finally he asked if i worked in Spain and when I didn't seem to comprehend fully he began making a gesture with his fingers...basically a finger going into a hole! Hopefully by now you know what this means, he was asking if I was a prostitute! His face really wanted an encounter with my hands, but I resisted (perhaps this is what the stares are about?)
Realizing I can't travel solo - luckily I was only there myself the first couple of days before my friend and fellow 'Citizen W' came to join me
I love San Sebastien (even if some residents might take me for a prostitute)! I absolutely loved the vibe and shopping in Spain is absolutely glorious
I had a great relaxing time away from school, internship worries, and even some heartbreak issues. But I got back two days ago and its raining heavily with all the work I have to do, sigh.
I want to run away again!

This is where I stayed in Biarritz...Hotel du Palais (I kid, I kid...not with my student's budget). This used to be a palace built for Empress Eugenie, Napoleon's wife...now its a hotel. Ahhh the luxury

Lucking into such great weather in february was just priceless

San Sebastian is hands down my fave city in Spain...well at least...so far

Mi casa es su casa

Meet 'Citizen Ws' (W = World)