And with that title, I of course am referring to myself. I don't finish my stories, I don't update...I started with a couple posts and just dissappeared. Apologies, my has been a busy past month. I have started classes and I am finally realizing that I actually signed up for SCHOOL! Classes, exams, quizzes, lectures, deadlines...the works. Everyone says that this first term will be the toughest in terms of adjusting, getting back into academia and they might just be right. I guess thats why orientation month was so fun and booze-filled :) they were trying to ease us ito it and then hit us with a bang. I'll survive though, and I won't bore you any longer with gory details of school. Here are pictures (that are not already on facebook, and Miss V with ppl this time :)) that might better help sum up the last few weeks, enjoy!
Right before attempting to scale the fence :)